Monday, March 12, 2007

Hill like Bill, not JFK


We've already shown through their utterances that there are no JFKs in the bunch among the major Democratic candidates for president when it comes to national security.

JFK was for "paying any price," today's Dems want to scadaddle from Iraq "at any cost."

We could be charitable and say Democrats are rooting for our troops to win in Iraq but then we'd have to say they also favor their simultaneous political extinction, and we know that's not true. So like a good algebra student flip that equation around and you have the answer to the question. If you think that's harsh, find me a quote from a Democrat in the last couple of weeks that recognizes the progress our troops are making in securing Baghdad.

Then there's the economy. There aren't any JFK Democrats there, either. Rich Karlgaard of Forbes noticed this today.

Our 35th president, John F. Kennedy, was pro-freedom, pro-defense, pro-trade and a tax cutter. On taxes, JFK had this to say to the Economic Club of New York on Dec. 14, 1962: "Our present tax system exerts too heavy a drag on growth. It siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power. It reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment and risk-taking."

No class warrior was JFK. He wanted cuts "for those in the middle and upper brackets, who can thereby be encouraged to undertake additional efforts and … invest more capital." The JFK tax cuts were enacted in February 1964 and touched off an economic and investment boom.
That doesn't sound like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John Edwards, does it? The three millionaires chime in unison they are against "tax cuts for the rich." They apparently want to slow the economy now that they've got theirs.

In New Hampshire, however, Hillary said recently she believes her candidacy rustles the ghosts of JFK. She said of Kennedy, "he was smart, he was dynamic, he was inspiring and he was Catholic." Sorry, Hill, one out of four is not JFK. It's Walter Mondale.

She went on to suggest that because she would be the first woman president, her candidacy is analogous to JFK's breaking the Roman Catholic barrier. She also said in Selma that her womanhood compared to the struggles of African-Americans in the 1960s.

Her comparisons are showing that instead of JFK, she's more like Bill Clinton: Utterly fearless when it comes to confronting the challenge of stretching the truth.

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