Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blago's bad week

As absurd as it now seems, at one time Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's people were whispering that he had a shot at the presidency some day. Although he did win re-election rather handily, nobody is talking about him on a national ticket because of the corruption investigations that threaten to run him out of office.

So Rod had to act as host to a real presidential contender, Barack Obama, serving pizza at the mansion to the thousands who came to hear Obama speak in Springfield Saturday. Blagojevich was out in the cold with them, and, according to some reports, endured booing when his name was announced.

He tried to break through today with a press release about reducing greenhouse gases in Illinois in coming years, to ride the wave of favorable coverage on the issue of global warming. But as is usually the case with this governor, there's little substance behind his showiness. After criticizing the Bush administration for doing nothing on global warming, it was revealed his own climate panel hasn't had a single meeting since it was announced last year.

And, he unveiled his plan on a day when the state was being ravaged by blizzard, described by WGN's Tom Skilling as the biggest February snowstorm in seven years.

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