Thursday, February 22, 2007

Memo to Fitz: Watch the pardons

Requests for pardons have been piling up on Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's desk at about the same rate as federal corruption subpoenas.

We're not saying the two piles are connected. Not yet anyway.

If the governor's administration starts to collapse under the weight of more corruption indictments, the governor's campaign fund will be struggling to keep up with the already staggering legal bills. And with a sinking ship, there won't be many insiders who will want to give money to a governor on the way out.

However, that pile of pardon requests will be sitting there, some of them from defendants with powerful and rich advocates.

We know from the governor that the administration "does things right" so we're not suggesting anything here.

But just in case, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald ought to keep a close watch in case a flurry of pardons go out and flood of money comes in about the same time. Blagojevich saw the President (Clinton) he served under in Congress perfect the routine. We don't need a rerun in Illinois.

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